Your Current Lead Scoring System Is Broken


As much as 68% of B2B marketing agencies have an existing lead scoring system in place. But according to recent surveys, only 40% of them get any value from it. This will be painful to hear but the lead scoring models that have gained global popularity in the B2B marketing circuit are inherently flawed- a rather bold claim, I know. But nowadays, the customer journey is becoming more complex, non-linear and circular than ever. So, employing a traditional lead scoring system that only focuses on the top tier of the sales funnel is where everything goes wrong for B2B marketers.

So, let us identify the flaws in the current system of scoring and understand why it's failing you and your business to generate mature leads:

· It's grossly assumptious

For every B2B marketing agency, setting up a lead scoring marketing automation toolrequires a slew of guesses and assumptions on what attributes indicate a lead is positively or negatively inclined to make a purchase. Every company or business is different. Nailing down a single formula that works for all can be highly inaccurate. A one-size-fits-all model ignores the criteria that make your organisation unique.

· It's laborious and stagnant

Just because you have read every book or guide under the sun and invested an incredible amount of effort on building a lead scoring model that seems perfect for your B2B marketing agency doesn't necessarily make it accurate for your business three months down the road.There is nothing stagnant about the way customers engage with your brand and new channels, metrics, mediums that influence the buyers' journey are introduced every single day. Committing to a lead scoring model that doesn't account for the changes in the buyer's journey will be rife with inaccuracies.

· It leaves out engagement data

One of the biggest mistakes every B2B marketing agency makes is focussing on who the target audience is-defining their persona based on behaviour, culture and demographics. While that is important, it loses focus on what the customer is actually doing.

If your company offers a free trial for your products, it is critical to monitor their product engagement at the granular level. A true behavioural scoring model will identify what features were used, how often they were used, track heavily engaged users etc. The traditional scheme of lead scoring completely dismisses product usage, focusing on who the consumer is rather than what they are doing.

Thus, for lead scoring technology to be more valuable and drive higher RoI, it needs to be smarter and more dynamic to the buyers' journey.

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